petal ridge
The Home of Derek Kannemeyer
About this page's banner. When Steven Dorsey (thank you, Steve!) designed my site for me, I threw a slew of banner suggestions at him. We settled on one which I've since discarded. This is one of the earlier rejected ones.
For no clear reason, I asked him not to delete it from the PROJECTS page, and here it still is! If I ever learn how to, I'll move it to the PACK RAT subtab (under POTPOURRI)—but it kind of works as a PROJECTS banner too!
Collaborative projects—or just invitations to play together—can be found all over the site.
1) At the PLAYWRITING tab, there's a piece conceived to be danced as well as acted.
2) Under LIGHT VERSE, there's an A-Z of unfinished LIMERICKS, and an offer to post readers' finished versions. (I've since finished them myself, and may post those also.)
3) Inspired to try some animal quatrains? Check out the BESTIARIES (filed under LIGHT VERSE) or the "Flap" quatrains (at PIC LIT) and give it a shot. Maybe I'll post them (crediting you) in the 2nd Bestiary folder!
4) And, yes, if you're an illustrator, I would at some point like to update the Bestiary books. One reviewer of "A Betabestiary" said that the only thing he could find to criticize was that it was crying out for illustrations.
5) Then there's the PUZZLE PALACE. At its core are a couple of hundred word square puzzles. Your task is to solve them!
"PROJECTS" projects:
1. Barracks Gap
Back in the aughts, the Barracks Gap project was my attempt at world-building. I wrote a lot of bits and pieces for it, in several different genres, and some of them have even seen the light of day. Most haven't, yet. It's here as I ponder how best to get back to it.
What is in this folder, at present, are just the world-building notes. No poems or stories yet.
What I'm most likely to add first are tales from the Cartoon Zone.
2.Song Lyrics
I don't have many huge regrets, but I do regret never having learned an instrument I could sing to. And not knowing how to write down the music for the tunes I've come up with.
I'll throw up some song lyrics, but they'll take me a while to add. Browse them! An asterisk* indicates that its tune is set. But actually, I'd love to collaborate, even with those! Any musicians looking for lyric writers? Or for songs?
3. Others? Let's wait and see!