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Welcome to my PLAYGROUND. It's big, and it will get bigger. Let the fun and games begin!


Sure, there's fun to be had all over the site! Most of what I do has an element of play. But here, I'll showcase that aspect of my work. There is, ahem, a lot to showcase.


The source material for PUZZLE PALACE is book-length. Did you know that Amazon won't publish books of puzzles? Or at least they wouldn't, back when I tried to put one out, called "Magic Fives." It was comprised entirely of a kind of word puzzle: word squares, with crossword clues. Eventually, I hope to post a couple of hundred of those puzzles right here.


The PARTY PIECES? That's light verse, some of it written for performance, some written for compendiums of light verse. Two of those were book-length. I'm offering samples and outtakes only, for now. For now! (Oh, and for interactive fun and games? Check out the Limericks challenge!)


Some of the source material filed under PROJECTS is also book-length. If I can get some illustrator help, I'd love "Stalking Crawlrollies" to be my next book. Because, in the actual writing, it's all done. Check out what's on offer from it!


There are other projects waiting in the queue there, though. "Barracks Gap" was at one point going to be massive: multi-volume, even! Who knows, it might yet be. All you'll find here, for the moment, though, are the world building specs. For the moment!


Also filed under PROJECTS (because often: no tunes) the SONG LYRICS folders are a a bit of a risk. The texts date from 1966 to now: from when I was 16 to now. There's an element of writers' autobiography to the progression. Not a completely honest one—I've constantly reworked some of the song lyrics I've written down, and (for more than one reason) I'm not sharing a tenth part of them—but I've exercised a bit less quality control here than I have elsewhere. In these folders, I can read not only my life history, but my evolving sensibility. There'll be more of these folders posted quite soon.


The PERFORMANCE tab is for video links. As much serious work, or more, as play.

©2021 by Steven Dorsey/Firebellied Frog Design

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