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      Derek Kannemeyer has spent much of his life being "not from around here." He lives in Richmond, Virginia, but was born in apartheid era South Africa. When he was six, he and most of his mixed race family fled Cape Town for London, England, where he grew up. After college, while working in Lille, in France, he met and married his American wife Sally; she towed him across the Atlantic, to Virginia, where he settled into a third nationality, and spent three and half decades teaching French, Creative Writing, and English at St Catherine's School in Richmond. In the margins of that life, he strove to be a multi-faceted creative.


During his teaching career, Derek found little time to follow through publicly on most of his creative concoctions, especially those of larger scale. He has now begun to pull things out of drawers, to polish them up, and to put them out into the world. There will be more to see. Perhaps, let us hope, a whole lot more. Watch, for example, this space.



Why all these p's? You're in a playroom.


Why petal ridge? Partly for playroom reasons. Sometimes I talk in anagrams ("his petal ridge" = "digital sphere"). Partly photography. When I first got my camera, what drew and startled my eye most was the world of perching bugs and birds. Partly because of poetry. I find the name pretty! But also, I was writing about some of those pictures, and about the ferocity and the loveliness of their sphere of the small—to which I had previously not paid much attention. At the time I created the site name, such thoughts were much on my mind.


What else? Well, I don't know! Ping me, and I'll try my best to answer.

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