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A WISHING SHELF BOOK REVIEW of  The Memory Addicts by Derek Kannemeyer


‘A compelling, character-led dystopian novel with a fine cast of characters… A complex story but in terms of originality it gets top marks. Personally, I thought it was a captivating read.’

A ‘Wishing Shelf’ Book Review



I must say, if I was to award this book a grade for originality, it would be A Star! In this dystopian thriller, a memory loss pandemic has turned almost everybody catatonic or, as the author puts it, into cataleptic husks. Five percent seem to be immune; the rest rely on a memory drug. It helps them to remember – but what?


Now, if you happen to be looking for the next Hunger Games, this book is not for you. This is not a plot-driven story and, in many ways, it ́s as confusing as hell. But it is a very enjoyable read if (I repeat, if) you enjoy character-led novels which jump all over the place and where everything felt or remembered by a character might or might not be real.


Personally, I thought it was a captivating read. Admittedly, it ́s a slow burner, annoyingly slow in

parts, and I often got horribly confused. But, like the characters addicted to the memory drug, I got addicted to trying to work out what was going on! I loved that the author forced me to work hard to keep up with the characters; not only who they were, but when they were, and where. Also, and for me this was the best bit, the ending wasn ́t wrapped up in a bow. Like the rest of the book, it was sort of a mess too!


So, can I recommend this book? Yes, but only if you enjoy not only being captivated but also a little bit confused. It ́s a complex story but, in terms of originality, it gets top marks.


A ‘Wishing Shelf’ Book Review

18th February 2023

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